Council Meeting Minutes 8-21-2023


August 21, 2023

     The City Council of the City of Fayette, Iowa, met Monday, August 21, 2023, at 6:00 pm in the Community Room at the Fayette Community Library pursuant to law and rules of said council, Mayor Wood presiding. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

     Roll call: Present - Council members Lowery, Post, Potratz, Scott and Tucker.

     Moved Post, seconded Potratz, to approve the consent agenda items consisting of the regular meeting minutes of 8/7/23 and the claims list of 8/5/23-8/18/23. Roll call, all ayes, motion carried.

     Citizen Comments: Louise Scott of Fayette addressed the council about trail repairs and ideas for pedestrians safely crossing Highway 150. Scott Bowen of Fayette expressed concern about the appointment of the fire chief.

     Moved Potratz, seconded Lowery, to approve the agenda as presented. All ayes, motion carried.

     Mayor Wood advised the council that Kris McGrane will help train Markus Hawes and the city council passed Resolution 2023-38 indicating McGrane's part-time wages. Wood thanked Deputy Clerk Nancy Creery for her extra work and time at City Hall. Wood thanked the area fire departments for their assistance at a recent house fire. Police Chief Davis is working with the fire marshal to investigate the house fire. Wood explained there were some emergency paging/communication issues between the Fayette County Sheriff's Office Dispatch and the Fayette Fire Department that are being looked into. Wood also advised that all five council seats and the Mayor are all up for re-election and any interested residents may complete the proper paperwork and submit them to the Fayette County Courthouse.

     City Administrator/Clerk McGrane provided a written report to the council stating he has taken steps to get Markus Hawes access to the city's computer servers and accounting software. McGrane has assisted Deputy Clerk Creery with bills/claims, meeting minutes, utility bills, approval of permits, employee payroll/personnel duties, financials, among other things, over the last few weeks.

     Moved Tucker, seconded Lowery, to approve purchasing a drone for the Fayette Police Department in an amount not to exceed $7500. All ayes, motion carried.

     Moved Post, seconded Scott, to approve remodeling the restroom at 9 S. Main Street. All ayes, motion carried.

    There being no further business, Wood declared the meeting adjourned at 6:51 pm.


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